With September 11 being on a Saturday this year and most classrooms starting up after that date, Addabbo hopes that teachers are able to take some time thereafter to discuss the tragic events of 9/11 in their own way. “Although that day is marked by an incredible sadness, it is also a showcase of the incredible bravery of the first responders - many who made the ultimate sacrifice - and how everyone came together to help in the aftermath.” “Students in our high schools and elementary schools were not alive on Septemso I feel it is important for them to understand the magnitude of that day and how it impacted our lives here in New York, and across the world, forever,” Addabbo explained. Unfortunately, on September 11 during the 2020 school year, students and teachers were still adjusting to the remote learning process, so it was difficult for many classrooms to implement the moment of silence and teaching moment. In 2019, Addabbo passed the September 11th Remembrance Day bill, which was signed into law and establishes a day of remembrance, reflection and a brief moment of silence in New York State’s public schools to remember the thousands of lives that were lost on that fateful day. wants to remind schools that it is important to teach students about the events that took place that day and how it changed the world. With the 20 th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks coming this week, State Senator Joseph P.